Sunday, September 6, 2009

Merdeka .... soon

Racism, it is everywhere. Why can't it just dissapear? I've been to Australia, NZ, thai, vietnam and UK. If you're a Malaysian reading this, let me convince you that Malaysia has an awful lot and it is worthy of being called home. I use to think it was crap but Malaysia is home.

I miss home.


  1. I like!!! so many cultures together, it´s really nice ;). It´s normal you miss your home

  2. yes yes. it is nice! Your name is familiar! is this the second time u left a comment? X) and i bet u are spanish!

  3. hehehe, then now it´s my third time i write here, how could u know if i´m spanish...? :P I miss u, boy :D

  4. because i am the smart dummy! Xp

    this look so deceiving. and paris giliton is a nice girl name too. Xp bwahaha
